Tonight is the gay and lesbian Mardi Gras in Sydney. It is an event like no other and captures the fascination and excitement of many while drawing in hundreds of thousands of people to line the streets of central Sydney.
Some people attend and participate in the atmosphere and some attend and participate because it is a hell of a lot of fun.
Tonight will be something different…… among the hundreds of floats there will be a float covered Wonder Women… Yep if you ever had something for Wonder Woman then this is a must see…

This float like many others is there to have fun and enjoy the night but it also has a very serious purpose. They are raising valuable money for the National breast Cancer foundation (
I am sure we can all agree Brest Cancer takes the lives of way to many women… It takes out mothers, wife’s, girl friends sisters and friends. It does not discriminate and it not only effects the people that a diagnosed with it but all the family and friends.

So if you’re watching or participating in the Mardi Gras this year keep an eye out for the Wonder Woman float and throw a bit of love and money their way as they really out to bring awareness to what is a worldwide killer of women.

Oh by the way if you are interested the shield was a custom made by my mate Allan at Type 40 ( and I can not say enough about the quality of his products.
I had the very special opportunity of visiting his workshop when I was down in Melbourne last Aug and to say its a cosplay heaven is an understatement. yay!!!! So go share some love with my mate Allan.