A mate of mine put some extra bling on his bike and spend forever washing it I had to photograph it, so I asked him to bring his bike to my place as we could get a couple of quick snaps out the front of my place.
When he showed up there was a party going on just a few houses down the street and a heap of young blokes were out the front having a bit of fun. Seeing us on the road triggered the peanut gallery.
As an event photographer and one that takes my studio out on location and generally in very populated areas I am used to the peanut gallery so I didn’t pay any attention to it, that was until the ultimate photobomb of 2015. hahahahahaha
I don’t think I really need to have to explain it…. All I can say is that we all had a huge laugh and the gent in question apologized on his run back. 🙂

Those tan lines hahaha
Yeah seems a bit weird for some bloke that likes to get his kit off. lol
Looks like he enjoys short shorts too…
Mustn’t want awkward sunburn lol
Please, no more wise cracks, you’re killin’ me here.
lol Oh I know you have some
I do try. lol
I know right
Now this shot was a laugh. The guys behind me were having a good old time… lol
I could imagine..your mates got a nice bike..
I could imagine..your mates got a nice bike..
Haha that would be one of the best
hahaha Not really what I was expecting…
Kali heard all this yelling going on and thinking I was going to sort the bugger out she looked out the window just as the dude jogged past…. hahahahahaha
She was like WTF!!!!! 🙂
Haha yeah it that good you think it set up
shit funny.
“Fixed” it for you Brendan, Just in case you it. Photoshop is my friend 🙂
Stuart Low hahahahahahaha
I have shots of him running the other way but it might take a bit of interest for me to post that one. 😉
This “cracks” me up!
Guy got some bootey..
Haha! We’re going streeeeakin’!!
THANK YOU, Steve, for keeping your pants on
Well at least he had a nice ass!
More of a photobum
now this made my Day!!!! And the Award Goes To!!………? LOL! Only YOU!!!!
Nice Bike!!