There was a report of the person seen holding a gun around the Australian government, Department of human services building in Tuggeranong at around 9:30 AM today.
The Australian Federal police responded by closing down to surrounding roads of the building went into lockdown with all staff secured inside.
As part of my other hat I also do photojournalism and as soon as I heard of this I kissed my daughter good bye and told her I was going to photograph some person with a shotgun an sword, grabbed my equipment and jumped in the car to see what I could capture.
Arriving on location where were several police cars driving around and surrounding building that was lockdown. Joining me were TV crews and reporters all eager to capture the story.
I must say we are a strange bunch as we run to the danger while others hide and I don’t think my friends can really understand why it is that I do this.
As we tried to ascertain the exact extent of what was going on I did my thang….. 🙂

After around half an hour or so the police could not confirm the siding, the street was open again, and the people within the building were once again free to move around.