Had the opportunity yesterday to photograph a new Canberra model to which I am grateful for not only her giving up her time but also once again Felicity the make-up artist who is always there to help me out and without her help and expertise.
There is a saying that eyes are the windows to the soul and is a portrait photographer is something I believe. I look into the eyes of the people I photograph on each them has a story, a story to which some are happy to tell and some are not.
When I saw photograph of Abby one of the things that struck me with her gorgeous eyes and how they drew the viewer in. She also has what I would think a unique facial structure that compliments her eyes and the shape of her eyes and it was for this reason that I was super keen to capture this and I must say the photos we have do actually do her eyes and a shape justice.

We spent the first half of the session in studio getting head shots and capturing the essence of who Abby is in the vision which I saw in her eyes.

Second half of the photo shoot we were using gorilla shooting techniques, where we will pull up on location with portable studio lighting and speedlites to capture a few shots and then will back in the car again.
One of the locations we stopped at was next to a farm and the reason why we selected this location was because of the long road that led up into the hills however after cracking off a few shots, we noticed in the background a biplane was preparing to take off.
It travelled down the makeshift runway on the farmer’s property to pull in just behind where Abby was standing and I must say I couldn’t have been more excited. To have such a prop appear out of nowhere and considering how she was dressed it was just photo gods were shining on us.
The only reason why we could get the shot was because of the gorilla techniques we were using and I had Anthony Caffery as my assistant holding the light so we could move and adjust rapidly to capture anything that was going to happen…. I just wasn’t really expecting a biplane!!! 🙂

We finished the rest of the photo shoot off in and around the Tuggeranong hyperdome where I think we captured some really interesting photos, some you will just have to wait a while to see.