Eat When You Can!

In my line of work as an event and portrait photographer I get to cover a lot of events but as with every event, one thing is key…. and that is time!!!!!

You are always running around getting shots here and there, with generally little or no time to rest, drink or eat, so as I race home tonight and ready for tonight’s event I get to:

  • charge my batteries,
  • download cards,
  • swap lens
  • get changed
  • whip up Veal mignon with mushroom butter, wrapped in bacon served with veg and baked capsicum, washed down with a chocolate milkshake.  yum yum yum

What wonderful things have you whipped up for tonight’s midweek meal?

Veal Migono with mushroom butter wrapped in bacon
Veal Mignon with mushroom butter wrapped in bacon



  1. I went to make this amazing sounding stir fry in a cookbook, but got halfway through it and realised I had next to none of the sauce ingredients so it’s a terrible throw together stir fry flavoured with Your Inspiration At Home spice blends..

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