Bloody awesome I would say. 🙂
Last year one of the schools I teach Photoshop, Lightroom and photography at asked for my advice on what they should get in the way of new studio lighting as their existing equipment was aging and needed replacement.
I gave them a shopping list that included 3 x Elinchrom 500, with some light modifiers that included med softboxes, umbrellas, and grids.  With stands and remote triggers I also recommend Canon 600 speedites with remote controllers, collour correction and theatrical gels.
When all the gear arrived the other week they asked me out to help them set it up and give them a quick run down of what was what and I would hate to leave them in the lurch, so I jumped at the chance. hahahahahaha
It didnt take too long to get the stuff out and put it all together giving them some tips along the way..  I did learn one tip
Where you are setting these types of lights up dont look directly into one when it is on full power from only 30cm away and make it pop…
If you are interested in lighting, Photoshop, Lightroom and photography shoot me a message as I know we can work something out. 🙂

Yeah i think the students will love them and its the same brand as I have been using for years so i know how reliable they are and easier to teach with.
where is it at?
Merici College
cool … im restarting my digital photography course ..soon i think they said ..cant wait to get back to i deferrred with moving house relationship..blah blah but yeah pumped
What course is it?
Through catc design school.. Hope they are half decent you would know better than me lol
I bought Stuart the same lights and umbrellas and he love it
The do seem like a nice kit and super bright for in a very dark studio.
The first thing i would do is get much bugger softboxes
Hahahaha. Yeah i was testing the trigger for some other lights and didn’t know the one i was staring directly into had an optical trigger so when the one i was testing went off so did this one.
Hey Ellen Young this is the exact same kits I said you should buy. 🙂
Oh man if I buy will you come??!!! Lol. Next on the bucket list But then again who will I leave this all too?? Lol you must be reading my mind. I’m so jealous !! Did they order it all from B&H??
I couldn’t buy a cow right now. But I have been busy with the senior portraits this month. Now all I have to do is stR charging!! Lol. You know me!! Lol.
tisk tisk tisk.. Have we not spoken about charging?
Why are you not getting $$$ for your skill, equipment and time?