You ever get that feeling when you are out on location shooting and your studio lights stop doing that flash and POP thing that you have grown to love????
I have and it’s not a nice feeling especially when you have people standing in front of said studio light waiting for the blinding flash…
Lucky for me (ok ok ok not really luck but more planning as I like to be prepared for just about anything and have a backup plan for my backup plan) I have backup lights so I can swap them out for new ones. 🙂
The trick to this little plan is that you have buy replacement bulbs and when they are 200$ each you tend to put it off for as long as you can. So with the splash of 800$ I now can replace my old bulbs and have some spare as a backup plan. 🙂
All I can say due to the cost of each of these bulbs I am glad they last more than a few shots.