Teenage Depression Is a Real Killer

Would you believe that one in four teenagers suffer from some mental illness and depression?

The statistics around depression in teenagers is mind blowing and frightening, it takes the lives of our children and debilitates many others. Fighting the scourge is one, we as a community need to band together and tackle the social issues as segregation become more complex every day.

Fighting depression, especially in our children, is something I feel very passionate about and why I donated my time to photograph the inaugural Arbonne Foundation Charity night here in Canberra.

It was an evening of fine dining, lots of laughs and more importantly raising money to help our children. The night raised $7500 and will go a long way to supporting our children through grants and other means.

If you’d like more information over to their website at http://www.arbonnefoundation.org/


Anyone up for some fun?
Anyone up for some fun?




Me with my game face on. lol
Me with my game face on. lol



  1. These are some beautiful young ladies. To think even one of them do not feel worthy to live is very upsetting. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Not just a plan. But Hope and love for our future. The Devil is working so hard to take lives and destroy families. The social media is making them feel more lonely then ever. Although good in some ways. It creates a wall for bully’s and mean people to hide behind. I pray for our teenagers all over the world as they are our next chance for hope and change. We need to keep building up their spirits and make them strong with God’s words in their hearts we may not loose them. They need to know that they have a Father on their side that will never leave them or forsake them. That is the only way I made it through. God Bless them all. And God Bless you Brendan Maunder for spreading the word!! ❤

  2. I went through it always felt like I never fit in and got bullied. My parents called the ambo cause they knew I tried over dosing. The feeling doesn’t go away but I’m not going to leave this world
    My kids need me and I will always be here for them.

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