Looks like my predictive rainbow for my previous post seem to be correct, as the rains did come and they come hard and constant.
Since my rainbow photo and the following rains, NSW rural fire service has been able to extinguish:
- Gospers Mounting – Hawkesbury
- Myall Creek Road – Richmond Vallery
- Erskine Creek – Blue Mountains
- Kerry Ridge – Muswellbrook
- Green Wattle Creek – Wollondilly
- Morton – Wingecarribee
- Currowan – Shoalhaven
These fires equated to a total of over 1.5 million hectares of land burnt, so to have the out is a huge relief.
I spend the weekend down on the south coast to not only sprinkle some money into these communities but also capture the recovery of the native bushland and see first hand and document some of the destruction that it has caused.
To have rain so heavy that we couldn’t see the road was freaking amazing!!! The roads were flooded and where there were dry creeks the day before, now there were rivers overflowing with liquid gold. Truly was an amazing transformation over 24 hours. Where I was we had over 130mm of rain in the 24 hours, so you can understand how that was able to full almost any dam that was previously empty.
Let’s just hope the rain continues and gets out west where it is really needed for people to survive.