I managed to get out of the house and get into the garden this afternoon after processing 1300 photos from the wedding I captured yesterday and I must sayit was nice to get the sun on my skin, get my hands dirty will also planting seeds which will not only bring me food but also flowers which I can put in my front yard that always bring a feeling of happiness to my soul.
And I must say, what sort of photographer would be if I didn’t take photos of my super impressive gardening. hahahahahaha

Do you garden?
If so please send some photos as I’d love to see what you’re doing.
Well done… good night <3 xx
Ok the list is, spinach, silverbeet, red silverbeet, chilli, beans, capsicum, tomatoes, beetroot, zucchini, cucumber, purple carrot, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, Choko, lettuce, rhubarb, strawberries, lemons, limes, Kafir lime, orange, grapefruit, Manuka honey trees, dragonfruit, lemons, mint, lemon mint, parsley, garlic, thyme, sage, kohlrabi, basil, coriander, potatoes, flowers. Phew….
Is that your wish list
That is what is growing in the garden.
No wonder i haven’t heard from you in months. Lol
Backyard has garden beds & greenhouse plus we have a community garden plot. Mum does most. I’m the help.
Send her to my place
When you say process, do you use Lightroom presets or kill 15 hours
Mostly kill 15 hours and then use some Lightroom preset for the final touches.
The presets are ones i created for my style.
eating corn, zuchinni, snow peas, basil, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes from the garden on a daily basis…
Yeah but you suck as you can grow it all year.
au contraire, we still have to work with the seasons. The wet can be a nasty time of year for some crops.