Spring Zing 2014 – Photo are up and ready for purchase.

Have you been hanging out for the Spring Zing photo for 2014?

Well wait no longer as they are up and ready for intimidate purchase.

You can get to my on-line store by clicking on the link in the menu of the left hand side of the page.

There are also packages up there if you purchase 5 of the same size images and if you want to purchase over 10 images drop me a line and we can work out a special price.  wink wink.

Spring Zing 2014
Spring Zing 2014

Spring Zing – Update

I have been getting a few calls and message about where people can purchase the Spring Zing photos so I thought it best to post an update for the people that haven’t contacted be but are waiting. 🙂

Officially the photos will be up for when you guys get back to school as the school will be sending out a letter/message to you all letting you know.  Unofficially they will be up on my site on the weekend.

The best way to get notification is to follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BrendanMaunderPhotography) or Google + (https://plus.google.com/+BrendanMaunder) as I will post a blog and these will get notification.

If you have any questions please dont hesitate to drop me a line.  You can find my details on my contact page.

Have a great day. 🙂

Spring Zing for 2014

Spring Zing is done and dusted for another year and what an fantastic event it was.  With over 250 kids all dressed in fancy dress I had my work cut out for me as they lined up in a constant stream to get their photos taken.

It was super fan and with the music pumping next to my portable studio it really went off….

Now for those of you wanted to know when the photos will be up, the will take a week or so as I am out of town for the next 5 days in Sydney covering different events up there so I wont have time to get to them until I return but looking through them now, the will be worth the wait. 🙂