Love life and adventure takes its toll on all of us one way or another, and we all deal with it in our own ways.
For anyone that knows me, knows I lead a very busy life. I do lots of things with my time. Some of these things are covering events both here in Canberra, interstate and also internationally, by also doing portraits of all different descriptions and complexity levels. Added to this is my coaching and photographic workshops I conduct, while also writing course material and working on publishing photographic magazines and books.
Such a busy life requires a lot of time and effort not to mention emotional investment and I have to admit it takes it out of you. Some people drink, some people party, some people hold it within, some people yell some people, sit back, and some people just enjoy life what it is.
For me is a simple things in life. To be able to sit down and relax in the warmth of the sun or drinking a super hot coffee.
Sometimes life is as simple as a good coffee and some sunshine – Brendan Maunder
I wish you all a very good weekend and I’d be interested to see what photos you can take over the weekend that express how you relax and wind down.
So your mission shall you choose to accept it, go out and capture events and things over this weekend that you find relaxing to help you wind down.
Anyone that sends me their photos I will publish on my website for the world to see and ensure you have full and 100% credit.
Out of the images I receive I will select one , and feature in one of my blogs next week where I will interview the owner of the image so they can tell us/the world what it is, in that photo that makes them relax and wind down.
You can send your image to “Brendan @” (Just remove the spaces) or PM on Facebook or message me on Google +
So what are you waiting for get out there and capture your life in a relaxing and wind down fashion. 🙂

Is that natural light, or self created?? Haha
I call it available light.. ha ha ha
You look like an advert for something! Great post. Xx
its an advert for me.. 😉
Thanks Debbie Ellis Coleman
Hell no I have fresh beans here my friend… 😉
What the name of those coffee beans that have to be eaten and shat out of rain forest creatures???
Totally agree with that, Brendan 🙂
When photographer takes a selfie… nicely done!
Kopi Luwak
I love this!!!!!! …i will have to work hard to get one of me…Im camera shy!! lol.. This is perfect!!
Sometimes life is as simple as squatting ass to grass
…..Or Moonshine…:)….
ha ha ha… it could be it could be…
No photos from me but similar to you, sun and a very hot black tea surrounded by my family
Very nice 🙂
You mean monkey ass beans? Lol
Yes maybe. I don’t think the monkeys eat them but. I kind of get the feeling they’re like birds or some other weird creature you find in the jungle.
I’m going to have to look it up now I think.
Yep exactly how See Myshell suggested.
Ah, the Asian Palm Civet ass bean. A fine brew indeed lol
I will have to take you word for it. lol
I ain’t touchen nuthin comin outta no animal excruments lol
I have a jar of that stuff ony bench now, a thoughtful gift… Neither of us are game as yet 😛
Oh I can see how that could be the case…. Well when you do let me know.
A very telling photo. You obviously don’t like dusting knick kacks.
Hell no.. Did you read my blog…. lol
No not yet. I just looked at this photo and thought how you had no knick knacks on your sideboard. Lovely looking table by the way.
Just read your blog and strangely enough I just pulled out the some things I was planning to photograph. Will definitely send you something if it works out.
ha ha ha… I have no time for knick knaks or dusting… lol
Just dont look at my desk…. There is all sorts of things on that… Stuff like two remote helicopters…
Im going to send you some knick knaks and a Picture of Me!! LOL!!
I will look forward to it Ellen Young
That’s more like it….
I love this!!!