With Canberra halfway through a long weekend, and the balloon festival starting yesterday what better excuse than you get up early, and get some sunrise shots.
Sunrise shots can be relatively tricky, due to the contrast of the sun and the general surroundings. I took this photo below and a few others but I really liked the glare from the sun, striking across the lens. This effect can be generated in Photoshop, but from my perspective so much nicer to get in camera.

The shot was created using three individual exposures, which were merged in Photoshop to allow the foreground and the middle ground to be exposed. Without doing this they were completely black as a sun was overpowering anything else in creating silhouettes of the mountains.
Show me some of your landscape shots?
So peaceful.
Oh it was. There wasn’t a breeze and it just me, and the spiderweb which I walked through. 🙂
Dontcha hate that !!!!
should have come to Wooly
Yeah. Would of been a bit of fun
OJA arrival would’ve blown your jocks off
Good hey
Go on youtube and type in “OJA”
Official handover next Sunday. Make a date