2015 Will Be Know As The Quite Year

Going through and doing some house cleaning to cut over to a new year, I noticed that in the last year I only kept 75,504 (I delete the photos that don’t make the cut) photos and clearly I take December and January off. hahahahaha

Maybe it is too warm or I just like getting out and about in the summer. 😉

When I conduct classes and workshops people ask me what is the best thing they can do to improve their photography…. My answer is always the same… practice, practice, practice…. On average my students take around 7000 photos a year.  I personally don’t think when you are learning that 7000 a year is enough.  🙂

The more you take the more you learn and the better you become. 🙂

How many photos do you take a year?

2015 the year in review
2015 the year in review

Spring Zing – Update

I have been getting a few calls and message about where people can purchase the Spring Zing photos so I thought it best to post an update for the people that haven’t contacted be but are waiting. 🙂

Officially the photos will be up for when you guys get back to school as the school will be sending out a letter/message to you all letting you know.  Unofficially they will be up on my site on the weekend.

The best way to get notification is to follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BrendanMaunderPhotography) or Google + (https://plus.google.com/+BrendanMaunder) as I will post a blog and these will get notification.

If you have any questions please dont hesitate to drop me a line.  You can find my details on my contact page.

Have a great day. 🙂