There are some days in this job that a fantastic, I get to meet lots of people, go to lots of parties and are generally surrounded by people that just really want to have a good time.
Unfortunately sometimes in this job there are days and events which are incredibly difficult…… When I say incredibly difficult I don’t mean technically, I mean personally and emotionally.
The event I covered today was incredibly sad. It was a celebration and a memorial of a young man that was taken in the prime of his life through a motor vehicle accident, leaving a shattered partner and a two-year-old boy behind. 🙁
I don’t know about other people or other photographers but for me being able to capture emotional images I have two put myself in their position, I try and feel what they are feeling be it sadness or happiness.
So today’s event drained a lot of internal strength and emotion, all of which I knew was going to happen beforehand, so I made a plan that after the event I would jump on my motorbike, take my camera and go to a quiet place to watch the sun go down and reflect about all the wonderful things life has to offer.
I think we will need one of these special places and while I don’t necessarily have a special place as the world is a spectacular place are ready, I do like to be able to see a fantastic sunset or sunrise so that is what I did. I raced against the failing light to get to a location where the sun was reflecting off the water and a place where I could collect my thoughts and regain the inner strength that I’d given up to the event I had just photographed.
As a sun was setting I was wishing it would never end. It was spectacular and beautiful. The calm across the water with the ducks and swans swimming in the shallows gave a nice background to the birds singing in the trees. It was a good way to end a day, a day that was full of emotion so I thought I would share last rays of my day today with you.

beautiful shot. 🙂
Thanks 🙂 It was a nice way to see what was a really crappy day out.
why so crappy??
Pop off and have a read of my blog. 🙂
Beautiful words, sorry it was such a bad day; very sad…. its always nice too have somewhere beautiful to reflect on these things though, i find it helpful, hope others do too. <3
Yeah agree.
I give up a lot of my own emotions to help others, walk with them through their troubled times and be there with them emotionally. Even more so when I am photographing them.
It takes its toll so I learned a long time ago when I need me time and how I best get me time,
Family, music, photography, nature and riding my bike are all the things I have that give me deposits into my emotional bank, so when I need it I can draw out some of those emotions to continue on.
You’re a good man. Hope you’re okay xo
Thanks. <3 Im all good just a little sad and I didnt really know anyone at the event. Although I can never know what they are feeling I do put myself in their shoes as best I can to understand what they are going through.
You can feel the emotions reflected in this pic Brendan…must have been a tough day…But you did make a good point…capturing emotion…especially when it is real…can be very draining on the heart and soul.. makes you great full for all that we have…..I am glad you were able to somewhat recover being alone with your camera…or should i say your best friend…<3
Thank you Ellen Young it was a tough gig, very emotional but also very beautiful to see, feel and be part of the love and joy his friends and family had for him.
I’m not sure all event and portrait photographer are effected in the same way as I. I have never really asked any. I’m not sure I could be so shut off to my emotions as it is this connection that I feel gives me the empathy and understanding to predict and capture emotions in people.
For me it is fantastic at an event that has a more positive feel like a wedding, party, gala ball, hens/bucks night or even a corporate event where I think I am having more fun than most of the people there. Hahahah
A good friend of mine asked me how do photographers deal with taking such sad and emotional events like this one and is why I posted about it. How I deal with it and how I regain my inner strength, but more importantly how, even though it is a very sad and emotional event it can be incredibly important for the family to capture such an event.
For some it gives them some steps for closure where they can see the love that is there as they only see grief while there, and with around 500+ people showing up to this event there was a lot of love in that church, and I feel I captured some truely special moments that the family will cherish for a very long time.
Wow! That is so special that you get invited to such an event…Capturing those precious moments..the real emotion.. can never be replaced…<3